The 113th Annual Battalion Review took place on Friday 10th May in the Kings Centre. Boys, officers, parents and friends of the Battalion enjoyed an evening of BB display items and presentations of individual awards and Battalion competition trophies.

13th Motherwell have had a very successful year in the competitions - six first places (Bible Knowledge, First Aid, Athletics, Senior Football, Junior Football and Swimming) and three runner up places (Restricted Drill, Physical Challenge and Quiz) out of a total of 11 competitions!

The result was the Company coming out top in the Battalion to win the Championship Flag.  A fantastic result!

It was also pleasing to see boys within the Company achieve special individual awards.  Eight senior boys achieved their President's Badge: Sam Bowes, Lewis Danskin, James Edwards, Camerion Fry, Josh Greenhorn, Cameron Gunn, Cameron Sanders and Gergor Warnock.This is the second highest award in the BB and involves completing the discovery badge programme in 5 key areas: Adventure, Community, Leadership, Interest and Physical. 

The Queen's Badge is the highest award in the Boy's Brigade and requires the young men to make some demanding commitments during the course of the programme.  Ryan Anderson, Greg Clapperton, Finlay Holtz, Callum Smith, Andrew Tweedie and Callum Warnock are all Sergeants in the Company and are all worthy recipients of the Queen's Badge. All six young men have given a great deal of time both to the company in their leadership roles and also to the community over the course of the last year. They have all developed through the process and have had an impact in each of the areas where they have worked.

A great night celebrating another brilliant year for 13th!