
STM guide logo1


In St Mary's there are 2 Rainbow Units, 3 Brownie Packs and 2 Guide Companies. Around 130 girls and 25 leaders are involved in our units. Girls can be heard having fun in our church halls from Monday to Thursday. Girlguiding has thrived in St Mary's since 1922.



Being a Rainbow, Brownie, Guide, member of the Senior Section or Guider opens up a world of opportunities for girls that will last a lifetime. Through fun, friendship, challenge and adventure, Girlguiding empowers girls to find their voice, inspiring them to discover the best in themselves and to make a positive difference in their community.


Girlguiding gives girls somewhere they can talk openly about what affects their daily lives and get support from other girls like them. At Girlguiding, we give all girls an equal sense of belonging. Girls with additional needs are always included in guiding.

All members are invited to make their Promise to "be true to themselves and develop their own beliefs". We welcome girls from every faith - and no faith.

The leaders of our units aim to provide a wide range of activities from our new programme. Girls can gain interest badges from a selection of 24, gain 'skill builders' from a selection of 12 and take part in meeting activities. Theme awards are earned from activities completed with the aim of girls in all sections gaining Bronze, Silver or Gold Awards.


To find out more about what we can do, click here to visit the Girlguiding UK website.

Would your child like to join?

If your child is interested in joing the Rainbows, Brownies or Guides at St Mary's, then simply register your interest on the Girlguiding website.


Girlguiding Calendar

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