2018 - Year of Young People
- Details
- Published: Monday, 29 January 2018 21:48
St Mary's marked the start of the Year of Young People
St Mary's marked the start of the Year of Young People
The Y-Zone performed their hilarious annual pantomime
The Junior Choir jump back to it!
The Kids' Zone nativity was a real Christmas Eve treat
Lights, Camera, Action! - was the theme for this year's super Summer Club.
Our Lessons and Carols service was packed with music and readings
Our Boys' Brigade Junior and Company sections recently held their annual camps.
Gifts from our Christmas gift service went to One Parent Families Scotland
Rev. Bryce Calder is welcomed to St Mary's Motherwell at his induction.
St Mary's gets into the festive spirit.
13th Motherwell brought home lots of prizes from the BB review.
Our packed Harvest service gave everyone something to smile about.
We marked Christian Aid week with fund-raising activities
Our green-fingered Y Zone members were busy planting
We hosted our ever popular annual quiz on Monday 24th April
The Junior Church are excited to be back after the summer break.
The children in the Junior Church had lots of fun on Easter Sunday