
Junior Church Pencil Case Appeal

The children in the Junior Church at St Mary's parish church have been busy collecting pencil cases.

BB Centenary

 Autumn 2015 sees the 100th anniversary of the formation of 13th Motherwell Boys' Brigade Company.

BB Company win Championship Flag

13th Motherwell Boys' Brigade Company Section are the champion company in Motherwell, Bellshill & District Battalion for the 2014/15 session.

Summer Club 2015

Lots of local children enjoyed a week of fun activities at our summer club

Junior Church - Easter Fun

The Children in our Junior Church enjoyed many Easter activities over the past few weeks.

BB Camps

Our Boys' Brigade sections took advantage of the good weather at their annual camps in June.

Christian Aid Week

Sunday 10th May saw a very colourful start to Christian Aid week in St Mary's Parish Church .